Eagleville, PA— 28. februar 2018— Streamlight® Inc., en førende leverandør af højtydende belysning og våbenlys/lasersigteudstyr, annoncerede, at Clee& Associates har fået navnet virksomheden’ s 2017 Sales Rep Agency of the Year for de føderale/militære markeder.
Clee& Associates er et repræsentativt producentbureau baseret i Fort Worth, TX. Virksomheden modtog prisen som en anerkendelse for enestående salgsresultater i deres salgsområder i Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee og Texas.
“Clee& Associates’ enestående salgsresultater sidste år bidrog i høj grad til vores virksomhed’ s succes i de føderale/militære sektorer, strategisk vigtige markedssegmenter for Streamlight,” sagde Streamlight Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Michael F. Dineen. “Vi ser frem til deres fortsatte bidrag til vores salgsindsats.”
For mere information om Clee& Associates, besøg venligst www.cleeandassociates.com.
På billedet (venstre mod højre) er Ray Sharrah, Streamlight President og
Chief Executive Officer og Rick Clee, præsident, Clee& Associates.
Based in Eagleville, PA, Streamlight, Inc. has 45 years of experience making tough, durable, long-lasting flashlights designed to serve the specialized needs of professionals and consumers alike. Since 1973, the company has designed, manufactured and marketed high-performance flashlights, and today offers a broad array of lights, lanterns, weapon light/laser sighting devices, and scene lighting solutions for professional law enforcement, military, firefighting, industrial, automotive, and outdoor applications. Streamlight is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. For additional information, please call 800-523-7488, visit streamlight.com or connect with us on facebook.com/streamlight; twitter.com/Streamlight; instagram.com/streamlightinc; and youtube.com/streamlighttv.