Eagleville, PA— 26. februar 2018— Streamlight® Inc., en førende leverandør af højtydende belysning og våbenlys/laser-sigteudstyr, annoncerede, at Holt& McArdle Associates, Inc. Har fået navnet firmaet’ s 2017 Sales Rep Agency of the Year Award for retshåndhævelsesmarkedet.
Holt& McArdle Associates, Inc. Er et producenters repræsentativt agentur for industrisikkerhed, brand, retshåndhævelse og byggemarkeder. Med base i Garnet Valley, PA, modtog virksomheden prisen som en anerkendelse for enestående salgspræstationer i dets Mid-Atlanterhavet og nordøstlige salgsområder.
“Holde& McArdle Associates, Inc.’ s enestående salgsresultater sidste år bidrog i høj grad til virksomheden’ s succes i retshåndhævelsessektoren, et strategisk vigtigt markedssegment for Streamlight,” sagde Streamlight Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Michael F. Dineen. “Vi ser frem til deres fortsatte bidrag til vores salgsindsats.”
For mere information om Holt& McArdle Associates, Inc., besøg venligst https://www.linkedin.com/company/holt-&-mcardle-associates-inc-/.
På billedet (venstre mod højre) Ray Sharrah, Streamlights præsident og administrerende direktør
Og Frank McArdle, ejer, Holt& McArdle Associates.
Based in Eagleville, PA, Streamlight, Inc. has 45 years of experience making tough, durable, long-lasting flashlights designed to serve the specialized needs of professionals and consumers alike. Since 1973, the company has designed, manufactured and marketed high-performance flashlights, and today offers a broad array of lights, lanterns, weapon light/laser sighting devices, and scene lighting solutions for professional law enforcement, military, firefighting, industrial, automotive, and outdoor applications. Streamlight is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. For additional information, please call 800-523-7488, visit streamlight.com or connect with us on facebook.com/streamlight; twitter.com/Streamlight; instagram.com/streamlightinc; and youtube.com/streamlighttv.